about Iyengar Yoga

Applying versatility and structure, Iyengar Yoga helps everyone on their individual path towards physical and mental wellbeing. Iyengar Yoga is grounded on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and offers something for everyone, as a tool for self-development.


Structured According to Capacity and Need

Iyengar Yoga is the most wholesome of Yoga methods. It has a very refined and developed Yoga postural practice. It is progressive and paced in such a way as to make poses available to everyone according to capacity and need.

The repertoire of poses is absolutely vast. No two Iyengar Yoga classes are the same!

A class can become a fast paced ‘jumping’ or vinyasa session, or it can slow down and focus on very specific body parts. Precision and alignment are always key.


A Tool for Self Development

Iyengar Yoga is grounded on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

B.K.S. Iyengar like no other has applied Yoga poses and Pranayama upon the teachings of Patanjali, as a tool for self-development.

yoga for kids and teens

Iyengar Yoga House offers a yoga practice that is specifically aimed at children and teenagers. Our classes encourage children to practice a full range of yoga poses in a dynamic and playful way.

"Health is a state in which one can forget about the body"

— B.K.S. Iyengar


Iyengar Yoga has a longstanding tradition of restorative and recuperative sequences that should be practiced regularly, alongside a varied postural practice.



Iyengar Yoga includes Pranayama. After a steady and confident postural practice has been achieved, breathing techniques can be safely explored.

teacher training

Iyengar yoga offers a structured and supportive path to become a teacher. The mentorship programme is designed by the Iyengar Yoga Institute in India and offered by Iyengar Yoga (UK), via approved Mentors. If you are thinking to become a teacher, talk to us! A student must show that they have attended classes with a certified Iyengar yoga teacher regularly, for a minimum of three years and have a good standard of practice in the Level 1 syllabus.

For a general overview of the Mentoring process, look at the official UK Iyengar Yoga Association’s website.